As I listen, watch, and read about the events going on in the world today, such as the war between Russia and the Ukraine, it can be hard to decipher what is really going on. 


It is also hard to walk in the light of Christ and His principles during this type of conflict. If one pays attention to the main stream media, we are all supposed to feel sorry for Ukraine and to hate anything to do with Russia. This is, however, a Luciferian idea. Christ calls us to love all people, in all places, and in all times. And we are to not associate or heed the advice of anyone or anything that suggests otherwise. 

So this view of loving the Ukrainians and hating the Russians is something that Christians need to ignore and flat-out reject as it is contrary to the teachings of Christ and of His Church in loving others. 

If the main stream media is involved with the promotion of Luciferian principles of creating division and hatred, then how can we trust them with regards to what is really going on between Russia and the Ukraine? If the Media is trying to get us to hate another, then how can we trust that what they are reporting is not increasing one's hatred against another? 

We should be wise and heed to the teachings of Christ rather than that of Lucifer and his ways. We must seek to find the truth of the conflict in a loving manner and encourage all involved parties and politicians to come to a fair and just agreement in the fear of God rather than in the fear of man.