St John ChrysostomSt. John Chrysostom, the revered preacher and theologian of the early Christian Church, provides invaluable insights into the education of children and the profound role of Christian principles in their upbringing. His teachings, found within various works, shed light on the responsibilities of parents and educators in shaping young minds and nurturing faith alongside intellectual growth.

One of St. John Chrysostom's significant works is "On Vainglory and the Right Way for Parents to Bring Up Their Children." Within this insightful treatise, he delves into the fundamental duties of parents in raising their children. Chrysostom's wisdom emphasizes the importance of instilling moral values and virtues from an early age. He contends that parents should be mindful of their children's moral development and spiritual well-being, equipping them with a strong foundation rooted in Christian ethics.

Throughout his homilies on the Gospel of Matthew, St. John Chrysostom addresses the topic of educating children within the context of Christian faith. He provides practical guidance to parents, encouraging them to nurture their children's faith and character. Chrysostom's teachings underscore the notion that education extends beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge; it is a holistic endeavor that encompasses the development of both intellect and soul. The development of the soul is an obviously missing attribute from Public Education institutions. 

In his "Homilies on the Statues," Chrysostom explores various facets of Christian life, including the family and education. He expounds on the role of parents in imparting the Christian faith to their children, emphasizing the importance of being exemplary models of piety and virtue. Chrysostom's writings reflect a profound concern for the spiritual and moral growth of children, calling parents to embrace their duty as stewards of their children's souls.

Additionally, in his "Homilies on Genesis," Chrysostom draws from biblical narratives to elucidate the moral lessons that parents can convey to their children. He underscores the significance of using Scripture as a guiding light in the educational journey, instilling values and principles derived from the Word of God.

St. John Chrysostom's writings resonate with timeless wisdom, emphasizing the inseparable connection between faith and education. His teachings remind us that true education transcends academics; it encompasses the nurturing of character, virtue, and a profound understanding of Christian principles.

For Christian parents seeking to follow in the footsteps of St. John Chrysostom, his writings serve as a wellspring of inspiration and guidance. They underscore the importance of providing children with an education deeply rooted in Christian values and ethics. In an age where the alignment of education with Christian principles can be a concern for many, Chrysostom's teachings should lead parents to consider private schooling as an avenue to ensure that their children receive an education firmly grounded in faith, which is something the Public School in America will never implement.

In summary, St. John Chrysostom's timeless insights on education underscore the critical role of parents in shaping the hearts and minds of their children. His writings, enriched with references to Scripture and Christian principles, illuminate a path where education and faith intertwine, nurturing the holistic growth of children as they embark on their journey toward a life deeply rooted in Christian values. Private Christian schooling, with its commitment to aligning education with Christian values, stands as the answer for Christian parents seeking to provide their children with an educational journey that enriches both their minds and their spirits.