I saw a video online of a guy, known as the Bald Explorer, in England. In the video, and others of his that I watched thereafter, he visited several old and mostly rural churches that appear to be falling into disrepair and nearly abandoned. He contemplated what could be done in order to help reinvigorate such churches. 

I thought about this for a few days, and I often think about it with older churches that I sometimes see myself. Recently an idea came to me. The idea of reinvigorating old churches by using often abandoned or rarely used church buildings through (re)starting festivals based around the traditional festivals of the church. 

Although many who are more gnostic or the "nones" may not be excited about a religious festival, such individuals could be invited to attend, if for no other reason, to make connections and build community; in addition, the festival, if it would be located in an area that is mostly the "nones," could emphasize moral characteristics of saints or traditional values and virtues like that of the Saint being celebrated. No-one can really deny that the promotion of traditional virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice, hope, and love could benefit a world and community where crime and corruption seem to rule. 

Activities would, of course, include a Mass Celebration. The sermon, depending on the audience, could focus on the virtues of the Saint. The sermon could also, if many "nones" are present, address their concerns in an apologetic and direct manner. 

Additional festival activities could include food; children and adult games; music performances of choirs, bands, etc; drama and theatrical plays; art and craft displays; and additional carnival-type activities. Activities should somehow have the virtues of the Saint at their core and should help, by using psychological principles, create and build relationships in the community. 

So this is the thought I had to help reinvigorate abandoned or nearly abandoned churches.